Thursday, January 12, 2006

The sun rose over the mountains, softly illuminating the crags and spires, chasing the shadows from the deep places. As the air warmed, birdsong filled the air, exuberant in its variety, the dew on the grassy meadows sparkled, glistening like a million diamonds thrown by a careless hand. As the sun climbed higher the clouds painted themselves in hues of purple, pink and gold.

A woman strode across the plains to the north, gazing keenly around her as she took in the view, absently brushing the hair from her face. Glancing behind her she sighed and slowed down, waiting for her companion to catch up. He gazed at her with sad eyes and her expression softened "All right you old fraud" she grinned "We'll stop at the next village and get breakfast, it's only a couple of miles" Reaching down she scratched the large golden dog behind the ears.

Later, sitting at a rough wooden bench outside a tiny inn, the woman tucked into the food that she had requested, the dog munching on a large ham bone at her feet. She observed quietly as the village came to life around her, people going about the business of living.

After paying for the meal and the lunch she now carried in a bag slung across her shoulder, the woman and the dog resumed their walk, entering the forest that climbed up the mountain that was her destination. The trees were tall and stately, climbing high into the air, keeping the temperature comfortable for those on the forest floor. The small animals could be heard in the undergrowth snuffling carefully through the leaf litter for tidbits. Once she spotted a bear and pointed it out to her companion who sniffed disdainfully, as if bears were somehow beneath his dignity to notice. As they climbed higher the scenery changed, the forest thinning out and giving way to alpine meadows dotted with huge boulders. In the distance she could hear the call of a hunting bird and she looked up, her hand shading her eyes from the sun as she tried to locate it.

At midday, the woman and the dog sat high on the mountain eating lunch and admiring the view afforded to them. Below them the world lay resplendent, the forest, rivers and plains a patchwork with no pattern, the colours blending together to create a picture that took her breath away.

"Damn I do good work." said Gaia softly, standing and brushing the crumbs from her lap.


Blogger S said...

Well its about time I visited your blog! Hope all is well!

6:13 AM  

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